2WR 035: Mid Atlantic Backcountry Discovery Route

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On this episode of the 2WR Podcast, Mario and Brian are joined by Jordan Roberts and Pete Moravek to discuss their recent trip on the Mid Atlantic Back Country Discovery Route. We rode the route together in May of 2021. Listen along to hear how the trip went and the guys share their insight. You’ll get four unique perspectives as each guy comes with a totally different background in riding and all four were riding different displacements and types of motorcycles.

Pete on Instagram
Jordan on Instagram

Mid Atlantic Backcountry Discovery Route (MABDR) Map & Information

JT Motorsports
1557 Tilco Drive
Frederick, MD 21704

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Brian on Instagram https://instagram.com/boyer562

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2 Wheeled Rider
c/o Mario Orsini
PO Box 64
Bunker Hill, WV 25413

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