Podcast Membership

The 2 Wheeled Rider Podcast is a twice-a-month podcast covering anything and everything motorcycle related. Mario Orsini of the 2 Wheeled Rider YouTube channel and Brian Boyer of The Boyers YouTube channel are life long motorcyclists who want to share their knowledge and perspectives on bikes as well as provide you with interviews from others in the industry…or maybe they want an excuse to get together a couple times a month to drink whiskey and talk about bikes. Either way, each episode promises to be entertaining and informative.

Unfortunately, producing and hosting a podcast costs money. Aside from the upfront costs of the equipment there are also ongoing monthly costs to host the podcasts to make them available on your favorite podcast platforms. Brian and I aren’t guys to ask for a hand out so it was difficult to even start this membership page but your contributions could go a long way to ensuring we can keep this podcast going for a very long time.

As the podcast grows, so will the rewards. Motorcycling has given Brian and I so much and we want to give back to the community as much as possible.

Please check out the different Membership Tiers below (can cancel at any time):

Contributor ($2 or more per month)

  • On Air Thank You
  • Name listed on 2wheeledrider.com as contributor
  • 10% off order on 2WheeledRider.com*
  • 10% off 2WR merch on Teespring.com

Production Crew ($5 or more per month)

  • 2 Wheeled Rider Sticker Pack
  • Hand written thank you letter from Mario & Brian
  • Everything listed above

Executive Producer ($10 or more per month)

  • Early access to sign up for 2 Wheeled Rider Riding events
    • These events sell out in minutes! And you’ll be allowed to sign up before the general public giving you the best chance to come along on an epic event.
  • Social Media Follow Back (Mario & Brian will follow you back on your social media accounts)
  • Everything listed above

Even if you don’t decide to become a member on Patron or thru PayPal, we hope you enjoy the podcast and share it will all your friends!

*10% off only applies to physical products. Riding events and podcast memberships to not apply.


For those who don’t want to commit to a monthly installment:

One Time Contribution (any amount)

  • On Air Thank You
  • Name listed on 2WheeledRider.com as a One Time Contribution
  • One entry in monthly giveaway, per $2, at time of contribution
  • Possibly more

If you’ve listened or watched the podcast more than once, you’ll know we enjoy having a whiskey (I prefer bourbon or Jack while Brian loves some Crown Royal) while we are doing the podcast. If we have an in-studio guest they are provided a pour (or multiple pours as well). You have 2 options 1) mail us a bottle (please follow all applicable laws) or 2) hit the Donate button below and donate any amount you like (above $30). If you Donate and would like to pick the type of whiskey, please let us know in the “optional note” during checkout.

  • Any bourbon with Van Winkle in the name equals automatic and FREE entry into an upcoming 2 Wheeled Rider riding event (MUST provide your own bike. Pappy Van Winkle 15 year+ will be provided with complimentary hotel accommodations up to 3 nights as well)
  • 2 Wheeled Rider Sticker Pack
  • Hand written thank you letter from Mario & Brian
  • On Air mention/thank you for being the official Whiskey Sponsor of the episode (could be mentioned on multiple episodes)
  • Name listed on 2WheeledRider.com as a Whiskey Sponsor along with type of whiskey